Prepare To Create A Cover Design For Your eBook Part 1

Prepare to create an ebook cover

Do you want to increase the visibility and sales of your ebook? 

Begin with a fantastic cover design! In this article, we'll walk you through the process of designing an ebook cover that not only catches readers' attention but also improves your book's searchability and discoverability on popular online marketplaces.

This is Part 5 in the eBook writing series for beginners.

Prepare to create a cover for your ebook

  • Introduction to eBook cover design
  • Researching and planning eBook covers
  • Choosing the right tools for creating eBook covers
  • Prepare To Create A Cover Design For Your eBook - Conclusion

I. Introduction to eBook cover design

Explanation of the importance of an ebook cover

You don't just design an eBook cover so you have something to put on the front of your book.

There are other reasons that you have to focus on when selecting the design you are putting as a cover. 

Think about how you make a selection when picking eBooks. Don't you always go for the one with the most interesting cover first?

Here are some of the reasons why a good ebook cover design is essential:

Attracts Readers' Attention

When looking for books, the first thing a reader sees is a great ebook cover design. It could be the deciding factor in whether someone clicks on your book to learn more.

Conveys Your Book's Genre and Content

An effective cover design conveys the genre, tone, and subject matter of your book to readers. This allows readers to quickly determine whether or not your book is a good match for their interests and preferences.

Sets Your Book Apart

With millions of books available online, having a cover that stands out from the crowd is essential. A distinct and eye-catching cover design can help your book stand out from the crowd and set it apart from other books in your genre.

Improves Your Book's Discoverability

A good cover design can help your book's searchability and discoverability on online marketplaces such as Amazon.


Incorporating relevant keywords and creating a visually appealing design can increase the likelihood of your book appearing in search results and capturing the attention of readers.

Generally speaking, a good ebook cover design is essential to the success of your book. It can help your book stand out, convey its genre and content, project a professional image, and ultimately entice readers to buy and read it.

Stock Images for Design

Benefits of creating your own cover

Most people will want to ignore trying to create their own cover. This is because they either feel that they lack the skills or they are in a hurry to publish.

There are several advantages to designing your own ebook cover:


Hiring a professional designer to create your ebook cover can be costly, especially if you're a new author. Making your own cover can help you save money and allocate it to other important aspects of your book, such as editing or marketing.

Creative control

When you design your own cover, you have complete creative control over the design. You can play around with different elements, layouts, and color schemes until you find a design that you like and that accurately reflects the content and genre of your book.

Faster turnaround

Working with a designer can sometimes cause delays due to back-and-forth communication and revisions. Making your own cover can help you save time and ensure that your book is published on time.

Personal Connection

By designing your own cover, you can form a personal connection with your book and its design. This is especially important for self-published authors who want to be involved in all aspects of their book's production.

Skill Development

Making your own cover can be a great way to learn new design and graphics software skills. These abilities can be applied to future book projects as well as other areas of your life such as marketing or business.

New Pixlr Launch 2022

Overview of the design process

Before you jump in and start designing something inferior take some time to look at what you will require to produce quality.

Here's a quick rundown of the design steps involved in creating your own ebook cover:

Gather Inspiration

Before you start designing your ebook cover, look for ideas and inspiration from other book covers in your genre. Consider how you can incorporate common design elements and color schemes into your own cover.

Select Design Software

There are numerous design software options available, including free options such as Canva and paid options such as Adobe Photoshop or InDesign. Choose software that you're familiar with and that includes the tools you'll need to create your cover.

Choose design elements

Consider the design elements you want to include on your cover, such as images, typography, and color schemes. Keep your book's genre in mind as you select design elements that accurately reflect its content and tone.

Experiment with Layouts

Play around with different layouts and design elements until you find one you like. Consider how your cover will appear as a thumbnail and as a full-sized image.

Finalize Design and Save Files

Once you've finished your cover design, finalize it and save the files in the format required by your chosen publishing platform. Formats such as JPEG and PNG may be included.

Gathering inspiration, selecting design software, determining cover size and resolution, selecting design elements, experimenting with layouts, finalizing the design, and saving files in the required format are all part of the design process for creating your own ebook cover.

EBook cover design ideas

II. Researching and Planning eBook covers

Researching trends in your genre and target audience

It is normal to look at other publications in your genre when doing cover design research as long as you don't copy.

There are several things to look for when researching ebook covers of the competition to help you create a cover that stands out and accurately represents your book. 

Here are some things to think about:


Look for covers in your book's genre to get a sense of what design elements and color schemes are commonly used. You want your cover to fit within the conventions of your genre while also standing out from the competition.

Color Scheme

Take note of the color schemes used on the covers of your competitors. Take note of the colors that are commonly used and think about how you can incorporate them into your own cover design. Consider whether any colors are commonly avoided and whether you want to take a different approach with your cover.


Look at the typography on the covers of your competitors. Consider how you can use typography to create a unique and eye-catching design for your cover. Take note of the font styles, sizes, and placements.


Consider the types of images and illustrations used on the covers of your competitors. Take note of the types of images or illustrations that are commonly used and how they relate to the book's content. 

Consider whether you want to use images or illustrations for your own cover, and if so, how you can use them in an original and effective way.

Overall design

Look at the overall design of your competition's covers, paying attention to elements like composition, balance, and contrast. Take note of which covers pique your interest and think about how you can incorporate similar design elements into your own cover.

Investigating the competition's ebook covers can provide valuable insights and inspiration for creating a cover that accurately represents your book and stands out from the crowd. 

Consider genre, color scheme, typography, images and illustrations, and overall design, and use this information to create a unique and eye-catching cover that reflects the content and genre of your book.

Templates and ebook resources

III. Choosing the Right Tools for creating eBook covers

Overview of software options for designing ebook covers

You can design your own ebook covers using a variety of software programs. 

Here are a few popular options:


Canva is a free, user-friendly graphic design tool that provides a variety of templates and design elements tailored specifically for ebook covers. It's an excellent choice for beginners or those with limited graphic design experience.


Pixlr is a cloud-based collection of image editing tools and utilities that includes several photo editors. It's a little more complicated than Canva, but it gives you more flexibility and control over the design process.


GIMP is a free, open-source image editing program that includes a number of tools for creating custom ebook covers. In terms of functionality, it is similar to Photoshop, but it can be more difficult to use for beginners.


Inkscape is a free, open-source vector graphics editor that can be used to create ebook covers among other things. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux and includes a variety of tools and features for creating and editing vector graphics.

Creative Market

For those who would rather spend time on other things Creative Market delivers. Here you can find any type of creative to do with ebooks quickly including ebook covers. As it is professionally designed and ready for use it is not free.

Your design experience and budget will influence which software you use. If you're just getting started with graphic design, Canva or GIMP might be a good place to start. 

Adobe Photoshop or InDesign may be a better fit if you require more advanced design capabilities.

100 e-Book Templates Mockup

Comparing the features and benefits of each tool

There are several factors to consider when comparing ebook cover creation software. 

Here are some things to keep an eye out for:

Ease of use

Consider how user-friendly the software is and whether it provides templates or pre-designed elements to help with the design process.


Consider the software's features and tools, such as image editing, typography, and layer management.


Check that the software is compatible with your operating system and that it can import/export the file formats that you require. The output format must also be compatible with the publishing platforms you will be using.


Think about how much the software costs and whether it fits into your budget.

Customer support

Look for software that provides excellent customer service, such as online tutorials, user forums, and quick technical support.


Read what other users have to say about the software and whether it meets their needs.

Get the photos you need for ebook covers

IV. Prepare To Create A Cover Design For Your eBook - Conclusion

To summarize, the design of an ebook cover is critical for capturing readers' attention, conveying genre and content, distinguishing the book from others, and improving discoverability. 

While hiring a professional designer is an option, designing your own cover can save you money, give you creative control, allow for a faster turnaround, create a personal connection with your book, and help you develop new skills. 

Gathering inspiration, selecting software, selecting design elements, experimenting with layouts, finalizing the design, and saving files in the required format are all part of the design process. 

Researching trends in your genre and target audience is also essential in creating a cover that stands out while adhering to genre conventions.

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