Writing Content for your eBook

Article: Writing content for your eBook

Writing content for your eBook can be a challenge but if you have done your information research properly things should run smoothly for you. You have completed parts one and two of this series of writing an ebook and should be familiar with where you are heading.

Article: Writing content for your eBook

  • Before you start writing content
  • Creating content with value
  • Content structure explained
  • Setting the tone of your writing style
  • Constructing your sentences
  • Selecting the best case studies
  • Choosing the best anecdotes
  • Selection of visual content
  • Using tips and advice for engagement
  • Writing content for your eBook - Conclusion

Before you start writing content

It can be difficult to begin writing an eBook, but with some planning and preparation, it can be a successful and enjoyable experience. Some people can plan to write that eBook or any book for a long time and nothing happens.

That is why it is essential to follow a plan with a timeline so you can get to the point of filling your book with content before losing interest.

It is common for writers to experience unwanted breaks during the ebook creation process. These breaks are normally because of uncertainty which once again could have been avoided during the research and planning process.

Ebook writing is a process and you should apply a timeline to each step or you might never start. 

Here is an overview of the process which we started in the previous two parts.

Select a subject

Choose a topic that interests you, is in demand, and is informed and passionate about. The subject should interest and be valuable to your intended audience.


To make sure that your eBook is comprehensive and helpful, conduct in-depth research on the subject and collect data from many sources.

Create an outline

Creating an outline can help you to see how your eBook will be organized and flow. By doing so, you can maintain organization and make sure that your eBook is properly organized.

Write a draft

Using your outline as a guide, draft your eBook. Get your ideas down on paper without worrying too much about making them flawless.

Edit and Revise

Once you have a draft, edit and revise it until you are happy with the information. This is also an excellent opportunity to have someone else read your eBook and give you comments.

Add Visuals

Consider adding visuals to your eBook to make it more interesting for readers, such as photographs, charts, or infographics. This is done after you have approved your draft so you can find the correct placements for your visuals.


Once all essential changes have been made, finish your eBook by formatting it for publication.

Keep in mind that creating an eBook is a process, and it could take several drafts before you're happy with the result. Simply keep writing and editing, and you'll succeed!

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Creating content with value

The most crucial component of your eBook is its content, which determines its worth and relevance to your intended readership. 

Remember that you are working on your first draft, so even if you won't include any resources or pictures at this point, you must be very aware of what you are going to include in the final version.

Making your eBook content valuable for readers is essential for its success. 

Here are some tips to help you create valuable content for your eBook:

Fix a dilemma

Create an eBook that offers workable solutions to a problem that your target audience is experiencing. This will increase the reader's relevance and perceived value of your eBook.

Offer original viewpoints

Provide original viewpoints or insights on your subject that are not frequently found in other books or resources. This will increase the value of your eBook and help it to stand out from the crowd.

Actionable advice

Offer the reader suggestions and recommendations they can use in their own lives or businesses. The reader will find your eBook to be more valuable and useful as a result.

Case studies

To illustrate your points and make your eBook more relatable, use real-world case studies. This will also make it clearer to the reader how to put your suggestions and counsel into practice.

Add Resources

Offer unique materials that aren't found anywhere else, like worksheets, checklists, or templates. This will increase the value of your eBook and give the reader more resources to put what they have learned into practice.

Stay current

Make sure the data in your eBook is accurate and pertinent. This will increase the value of your eBook and establish you as a subject-matter authority.

Add Anecdotes

Make your eBook more engaging by including personal anecdotes and stories to illustrate your points. Additionally, using personal anecdotes can help you connect with your reader and make your eBook more relatable.

You can produce valuable content that is engaging for your target audience by using the advice in this article to great effect.

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Content structure explained

The flow and readability of your eBook are significantly influenced by the structure of the body content.

It will help to do further research on how to use headings throughout your content.

For beginners, it might be wise to use writer's software such as ProwringAid or any other software that helps with the construction of content.

Here are some guidelines to assist you in organizing the body of your eBook:


Use descriptive headings and subheadings to break up the text and make it easier for the reader to navigate your eBook. Additionally, this will make your eBook's key points stand out and improve its aesthetic appeal. To delve deeper into headlines this lecture from North Dakota State University will give any writer a good idea.

Use concise paragraphs

Write concise paragraphs with no more than three to four sentences each. By doing this, you can avoid making your eBook too dense with text and make it easier to read.

Use bullet points

Use bullet points to emphasize key points or to list the information that needs to be remembered. This will enhance the visual appeal of your eBook and help to highlight important details.

Add Lists

To present steps in a process or a series of instructions, use numbered lists. This will make it easier for the reader to follow along and comprehend the information.

Highlight information

Use bold or italic text to draw attention to important details or key information. This will make it easier for the reader to recognize and remember important information.

Use quotations

To give your eBook more authority and credibility, use quotations from specialists or pertinent sources. Your eBook will become more captivating and engaging as a result.

Include visuals

To break up the text and make your eBook more engaging, use visuals like pictures, charts, or infographics. Additionally, using visuals can help explain difficult ideas and make them simpler to comprehend.

These pointers will help you organize the body content of your eBook in a way that is simple for the reader to follow and comprehend.

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Setting the tone of your writing style

Write your eBook in a conversational style, as if you were speaking directly to the reader, to better connect with your audience. 

This will increase the accessibility and engagement of your eBook for your intended readership.

In the context of writing a book, a conversational tone refers to a style that is approachable and informal, as if you are speaking directly to the reader. 

It aims to establish a feeling of intimacy and connection with the reader, enhancing the accessibility and engagement of the content.

You can establish a conversational tone by:

Using personal pronouns

Address the reader directly by using pronouns like "you" and "I," as if you were speaking to them personally.

Writing in a conversational tone

Write with ease and fluidity, as though you were speaking directly to the reader. A reader may find it difficult to understand technical jargon or other complex languages, so refrain from using it.

Using humor

Including humor in your eBook can increase its readability and enjoyment. Additionally, it can help you establish a connection with your reader and make your eBook more relatable.

Posing questions

Posing questions to the reader can help to engage them and give them a sense of inclusion in the discussion.

Including anecdotes and personal tales

Sharing personal tales and anecdotes can enhance the interest and readability of your eBook. They can also increase reader rapport and increase the relatability of your eBook.

This type of style can facilitate a relationship with the reader and raise the likelihood that they will suggest your eBook to others.

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Constructing your sentences

Sentences are crucial for the readability of your content and should be one of your primary focus areas when writing. We live in a world where people avoid complexity and unnecessary information.

It can be very off-putting for readers if your sentence construction makes it hard to read or when they cannot find the focus point immediately.

Constructing sentences well takes practice but it can very quickly become your standard style of writing anything.

Here are a few pointers that will help you with your practice.

Be Concise

Use direct language, short, to-the-point sentences, and a clear, simple style. Steer clear of technical terms that some readers might find confusing.


Making your sentences readable is crucial for writing a compelling and user-friendly eBook. To help you write sentences that the reader will understand, consider the following writing principles:

Shorten your sentences

Aim for sentences that are no longer than 15-20 words. By doing so, you'll make your eBook simpler to read and less likely to overwhelm the reader with long, complicated sentences.

Use clear language

Write in language that is simple to understand for the reader. Avoid using vocabulary that may be challenging for the reader to understand, such as technical jargon.

Don't use passive voice

Passive voice can make sentences sound boring and uninteresting, so avoid using it. Instead, use active voice to make your sentences clearer and more interesting.

Use different sentence structures

Use a variety of short and long, simple and complex sentences to add variety to your writing. This will add interest to your eBook, keep readers reading, and prevent monotony.

Employ contractions

Make your writing sound more conversational and interesting by using contractions like "don't" and "can't".

Do not overuse adverbs

The overuse of adverbs like "very" and "really" can make your writing weak and sound monotonous. Instead, opt for powerful verbs and adjectives that accurately reflect your meaning.

Avert clichés

Cliches can make your writing sound stale and unoriginal, so avoid using them. Instead, make an effort to use original language that distinguishes your eBook from the competition.

You can write sentences that are simple for the reader to understand as well as engaging and interesting by adhering to these rules. This will keep them interested and raise the likelihood that they'll suggest your eBook to others.

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Selecting the best case studies

Using incorrect case studies can make a book very boring for readers as it adds no extra value to the content. It can lead to distraction for the reader and they can miss the value you are trying to provide.

Make your eBook more interesting and relatable by using examples and case studies from real life to illustrate your points.

Your eBook can become more interesting and relatable by using examples and case studies, but it's crucial to pick them wisely to make sure they work. 

The following advice will help you ensure that the examples and case studies you use in your book are interesting:

Select examples from real life

Pick examples from real-life or case studies that are pertinent to your target audience and that convincingly and clearly illustrate your points.

Make them relatable

Choose examples or case studies that are relatable to your target audience. This will help to make your eBook more engaging and will increase the chances that the reader will remember your examples long after they have finished reading.

Use anecdotes

Use anecdotes or personal stories to illustrate your examples and make them more engaging. Personal stories can help to build rapport with the reader and make your eBook more relatable.

Make them specific

Make your examples and case study specific and detailed. This will help to illustrate your points and make them more memorable.

Use visuals

To help illustrate your examples and case studies, use visuals like pictures, charts, or graphs. This will increase the readability of your eBook and help break up long passages of text.

Mix it up

To keep your eBook engaging and interesting, mix up the types of examples and case studies you use. Additionally, it will help to break up any repetition and maintain the reader's interest.

You can make sure the examples and case studies you use in your eBook are interesting and successful by paying attention to these pointers. 

Choosing the best anecdotes

The purpose of writing your eBook is to provoke engagement from your audience. Anecdotes are one of the easiest ways to do this. Personal stories and anecdotes can add interest and engagement to your eBook. They can also increase reader rapport and increase the relatability of your eBook.

That said it is important to use anecdotes correctly or it will have no impact on your content or the reader.

The best anecdotes and personal tales for an eBook are those that your target audience will find interesting, relevant, and relatable. 

Here are some suggestions for selecting anecdotes and private tales that will interest your audience:

Be Relatable

Be relatable by choosing stories and anecdotes from your own life that people can relate to. This could be a personal story about a struggle or problem that your target audience can identify with, or it could be a tale that sheds light on the issue.

Be precise

Make your personal stories and anecdotes specific and in-depth. This will make your eBook more interesting and memorable while also helping to illustrate your points.

Use humor

To make your eBook more interesting and entertaining, use humor when appropriate in your anecdotes and personal stories. Additionally, it can help you establish a connection with them and make your eBook more relatable.

Personal stories

Use anecdotes and personal stories to illustrate important points in your eBook and to demonstrate your expertise. Your eBook will become more credible and interesting as a result.

Make them stand out by

Pick stories and anecdotes that will stick with the reader and are memorable. This will increase the likelihood that your eBook will be remembered by the reader long after they have finished reading it.

Be genuine

When sharing your personal anecdotes and tales, be genuine and true to yourself. This will increase reader trust and make your eBook more engaging.

You can choose anecdotes and personal stories for your eBook that are interesting and effective by using the advice in this article. This will increase the reader's likelihood of recommending your eBook to others and make it more relatable and memorable.

Selection of Visual content

Readers just love visuals only because it is sometimes easier to understand and it saves time trying to analyze the content they have just consumed.

Use visual elements such as images, charts, or infographics to break up the text and make your eBook more appealing. Visuals can also help to illustrate complex concepts and make them easier to understand.

Visuals can greatly enhance the overall experience for your reader, making the content more engaging and memorable. 

Here are some tips for incorporating visuals correctly into your body content and the best placement for them:

Choosing the right images

Select images that are in line with your content and that serve to highlight your points. This could take the form of pictures, graphs, charts, diagrams, or other graphics.

Make them applicable

Make sure your visuals support your points and are pertinent to your content. Avoid using images merely for their own sake.

Make sure they are simple to understand

Ensure that your visuals are simple to comprehend and do not distract from your content. To make your visuals easier for the reader to understand, label everything clearly and use plain graphics and short captions.

Position them wisely

Strategically place your visuals within your eBook to help break up long passages of text and keep the reader's interest. Think about including visuals at crucial points in your writing, like the start of a section or the end of a long or dense section of text.

Variate your visuals

To keep readers interested and prevent boredom, mix up the visuals in your eBook. This will also improve the visual appeal of your eBook.


Use clear, crisp, and relevant high-quality images that are appropriate for your content. Using images that are blurry or of poor quality will take away from your eBook.

You can make sure that your visuals are effectively incorporated into your body content and that they improve the reader's experience by using the advice in this paragraph.

Depending on the type of visuals you're using and the content you're using, you can place them strategically at important points in your eBook to enhance its readability and retention.

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Using tips and advice for engagement

Provide practical tips and advice that the reader can implement in their own life or business. This will make your eBook more useful and valuable to the reader.

Tips and focused advice can be a valuable addition to your eBook, providing practical and actionable information for your reader. 

Here are some tips for including tips and focused advice in your eBook body content and the best places to include them:

Select pertinent advice

Pick advice that is pertinent to your writing and will be beneficial to your intended audience. This could include advice on how to deal with a typical issue, how to accomplish a particular objective, or how to enhance a certain area of their lives.

Make them useful for action

Make sure your advice is practical and simple enough for the reader to use. Give concise, clear instructions, and think about using examples to help you illustrate your advice.

Position them wisely

Place your advice in your eBook in a thoughtful manner to help reinforce your main points and keep the reader interested. Think about including tips at the end of chapters, after a key idea, or as a summary at the end of your eBook.

Emphasize these

To draw attention to them and make them simpler for the reader to find, highlight your tips. To make them stand out, you could use bold text, bullet points, a different font or color, etc.


Use subheadings to help organize your pointers and targeted advice so that they are simpler for the reader to follow and comprehend. Read more about the use of headings here at eBookJumpstart it is no different than doing Blogging.

Refresh your advice

Make sure to frequently update your advice to keep it applicable and beneficial for your target audience. Take into account including fresh advice or updating previous advice in light of reader suggestions.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively incorporate tips and focused advice into the body content of your eBook and make them a valuable addition for your reader. 

The best place to include tips will vary depending on your content and the type of tips you include, but strategically placing them within your eBook and emphasizing them can help to make them more engaging and memorable.

Below is a good example of highlighting tips, notes, examples, and other important points.

Example of a Tip or Notes Callout

Writing content for your eBook - Conclusion

Although not comprehensive this article focused on the primary points of writing good content for your ebook. There are plenty of other innovative ways that can be applied to your content.

I think the most important takeaways from this part of the series are that value and engagement are the two most important factors that will make your ebook work or not.

As a writer, you will always need to do further research on all of the aspects contained in this article in order to become comfortable to apply it in the correct manner.

For beginners, I seriously recommend software such as ProwritingAid which you can start with for free. Once you know your needs or if you just want to save time I recommend subscribing. It will all depend on how much content you want to create.


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